by Amrita Grace | Dec 10, 2019 | Amrita Grace
If you’ve been tuned in to this blog at all, you’ll know that the last 6 posts have been about Mary Magdalene. Now, the next rose petal has been elegantly delivered to me and invited to rise fully into my conscious awareness. A Bigger Picture Magdalene...
by Amrita Grace | Dec 10, 2019 | Amrita Grace
This is the final post in the series, and the hardest one to write. My experience of The Chalice Well in Avalon was deeply personal and very close to my heart. I will try to find the words. If you have missed the first 5 articles in this series, you can start at the...
by Amrita Grace | Dec 10, 2019 | Amrita Grace
The Cave of the Eggs – La Grotte aux Oeufs… is it a myth or a real place? I don’t actually know, but I’m going to find out. “I think we’ve lost the trail, Apollo… I haven’t seen any markers in a long time!” I’m starting to feel a tingle of real fear. We have...
by Amrita Grace | Dec 10, 2019 | Amrita Grace
I don’t know much about ley lines, but they are much more commonly referred to in Europe and the UK. How amazing to learn I was standing right on them! Ask and Receive Sometimes information comes in magical and unexpected ways. That’s how I learned about New Eden...
by Amrita Grace | Dec 10, 2019 | Amrita Grace
In the final hours before my departure for my Mary Magdalene pilgrimage, so much is already being revealed. I feel like I’m in the middle of a breakthrough to my next level of consciousness. I’ll say more about that soon, but first… a very relevant story. Heaven and...
by Amrita Grace | Jul 16, 2019 | Amrita Grace
In a bright moment of awakening (accompanied by a sense of being betrayed by the church’s misinformation), I learned that Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute, but a revered disciple, spiritual teacher, and partner to Jesus. It was like an enormous puzzle piece falling...
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