You know you’re here to make a powerful impact, right? Do you find yourself imagining the possibility, dreaming about how it might feel, or pretending like it’s already happening? I’ve been there. I know that feeling of having a passionate desire to make a real difference on the planet while I’m here. And I know how much effort it can feel like when there’s little reward. It’s time for a new paradigm!

It looks and feels like the world has gone crazy.

There’s so much instability in the political climate and the old structures are crumbling. We are truly “between the worlds” right now. What does one do with this uncertain space and time? This between-the-worlds time is a great time to prepare yourself for what will be needed in the future, and that begins with a vision. What do YOU want for the future? For your future, for the planet’s future? This is not a time to let old belief systems about what can and can’t happen run the show. It’s a time to DREAM BIG and ask, “What else is possible?”. Once you have clarity about how you want the world (and your world) to look and feel, let that inform what’s next. What steps can you take now to implement this vision, to begin to prepare and act “as if” your vision is really, truly possible? It doesn’t matter how far-fetched it seems to be. What matters is your commitment and devotion to stepping up into that passion to make a difference.

Once you have the commitment, it’s time to assess your inner world.

What might hold you back or sabotage your efforts to step into a position of empowered leadership, even on a small scale? Where are your weak spots? What have you not been willing to look at? What inner resources have you cut yourself off from? There’s one big piece that people often miss in this inventory, and that is life force energy. Do you have full access to your life force? You may not even know the answer. Do you feel vital, fully alive, passionate, energized? If not, there may be something to investigate there. I want to let you in on a little secret right now. That life force energy I spoke of is really your *sexual* energy. If you have in any way or for any reason cut yourself off from your sexual energy, chances are you don’t have access to this precious, abundant, free resource.

The thing is, nowhere are we taught that our sexual energy is sacred.

That our sexual energy is what ignites our passion, our joy, our vitality, and our creativity. Instead, we respond to all the big and little messages and hurts around our sexuality by shutting it down to keep ourselves safe. And these unconscious decisions stay with us until we are ready to shift them consciously. Unfortunately, those messages and hurts don’t go anywhere. They live on in your body. They impact every aspect of your life. They run your relationships. They keep you playing small. What to do? As you tune in to that part of you that’s tired of playing small and is ready to step up big and make a powerful impact and a real difference on the planet, let that part lead the way. Let her courage forge the path. Let her sword of truth cut through illusions. Ask her how she needs to be fed in order to flourish. And TRUST the PROCESS!

This article was originally published on Amrita Grace’s website at: