Heal. Awaken. Thrive!

The Sacred Feminine is Here to Stay

The Sacred Feminine. She’s been locked up. Torn down. Repressed. Mocked. Belittled. Shamed. Put in a cage, a box, in chastity belts, and in chains. She’s been raped, tortured, molested, and robbed. But she cannot be killed. She went into hiding for a good long while....

How Facebook has Hijacked Empathy and Compassion

I’m really disgusted with Facebook right now, because I’ve been learning about their business model, which is based in greed and manipulation. I've learned that they are collecting our data constantly, using it to modify our behavior without us knowing it, and selling...

The 5 Keys to Sexual Wholeness

Do you ever feel like you’re missing something on your personal growth journey? There are so many ways to partake of transformational work, but very few of them address our sexual energy and sexual wholeness. And when we don’t address our sexual energy, a lot of...

How to Revoke Unconscious Consent

Since my very first comprehension of the Corona Virus, I've felt a much bigger agenda at play on our planet. I felt there was a gigantic good vs. evil story playing out, and it's not at all clear who or what is "good" and who or what is "evil." Oh, it's easy to point...

Confessions of a Racist

I am a spiritual teacher. I am a leader of women. I am a priestess. I am an advocate for the Earth. I am a woman who cherishes all life. And I am a racist. I am a racist because I was born into a tightly-woven, deeply embedded web of systemic racism that has spanned...

7 Simple Ways to Turn Trauma into Calm

Trauma begets trauma and will continue to do so, eventually crossing generations in families, communities and countries until we take steps to contain its propagation. - Peter A. Levine from "Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma" I have to be so careful about getting on...