by Amrita Grace | Dec 10, 2019 | Amrita Grace
I don’t know much about ley lines, but they are much more commonly referred to in Europe and the UK. How amazing to learn I was standing right on them! Ask and Receive Sometimes information comes in magical and unexpected ways. That’s how I learned about New Eden...
by Amrita Grace | Dec 10, 2019 | Amrita Grace
In the final hours before my departure for my Mary Magdalene pilgrimage, so much is already being revealed. I feel like I’m in the middle of a breakthrough to my next level of consciousness. I’ll say more about that soon, but first… a very relevant story. Heaven and...
by Amrita Grace | Jul 16, 2019 | Amrita Grace
In a bright moment of awakening (accompanied by a sense of being betrayed by the church’s misinformation), I learned that Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute, but a revered disciple, spiritual teacher, and partner to Jesus. It was like an enormous puzzle piece falling...
by Amrita Grace | Jul 16, 2019 | Amrita Grace
Do you know the truth about Mary Magdalene? Slowly, over the years, she’s been teaching and guiding me. And do I have some stories to tell! Here’s one of my favorites… Stormy Summer Solstice Shamanism I walked in late to the Summer Solstice Shamanic...
by Amrita Grace | Apr 30, 2019 | Amrita Grace
You know you’re here to make a powerful impact, right? Do you find yourself imagining the possibility, dreaming about how it might feel, or pretending like it’s already happening? I’ve been there. I know that feeling of having a passionate desire to make a real...
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