Yep, that’s me – age 5
Who is the Divine Child?
As each of us enters the planet from the non-physical realm, we come in with our being still connected to the wisdom of our soul. We appear in the human realm seemingly a blank slate, but we are anything but. Physically, we are helpless, dependent, and unable to communicate with words. And yet, have you ever looked into the eyes of an infant and seen a vast depth of wisdom and presence?
What so often happens to the divine child is that they lose that soul access as they are acculturated into human life. As they learn to speak and behave according to their caretaker’s rules, the light that they came in with gets dimmer and dimmer, and the inherent gnosis recedes into a very distant place inside of them. If they are lucky enough to have very aware parents, that light may be encouraged rather than extinguished, but still they must learn to function in a human world, and that means there will be bumps and bruises.
Where does she go?
The divine child lives on inside of us in that pure and innocent form. No matter what has transpired through your childhood and your life, be it drama, betrayal, or indescribable trauma, that pure drop of God-consciousness lives on, indestructible, eternal. It’s even possible to gain access to that part of yourself while still in human form, if you like. When my divine child appeared to me in a healing session, I was blown away by her wisdom, her power, and her clarity. She came through it all completely unharmed.
The way I was able to access her was through a traumatic, triggering experience that brought forth some intense and very scary emotions, including murderous rage, deep sadness and grieving, and lots of fear. As I worked with a Parts Work facilitator (aka Internal Family Systems) in a deeply shamanic session, I invited each of the parts to come forth so that I could understand their purpose. The murderous rage part, who preferred to be called “Brute Strength,” has been a powerful inner protector of mine through my childhood. His counterpart, “Spiritual Overview,” was a part of me that I didn’t even know about until the session. She was very nebulous and etheric, and she was the one guiding me to “be above” the trauma, to basically be in spiritual bypass around it. The two parts seemed very polarized.
Our precious inner parts
In Parts Work, these parts are called “Protectors.” They protect the “Exile,” or wounded child part, from being further damaged. As they resolved into a team during my session, I began to see that their role had been to keep that Exile safe. What I experienced as an adult took me straight back into the childhood threats and fears and the protectors acted accordingly. Eventually, they revealed themselves as my Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine parts, who gave birth to the Divine Child.
How can we access the Divine Child?
With the permission of the protectors, now that I had their trust, I began to work with the exile. At first, she stepped forward as the wounded child. She told me her name was Broken Heart. Her heart had broken because no one could see what she had to offer when she came into human form: so much love, affection, healing energy, wisdom, and presence. She had not been welcomed and received for who she really was. And her light dimmed until it was just a pinprick. As she was able to express her needs and be seen during the session, her light grew brighter and she felt safe to express herself fully. She transformed into the Divine Child, and now her name is Open Heart.
The exiles are hidden away and protected for a reason. They are young, scared, and in hiding. When we are willing to see them for who they are, parts of us that never grew up, it becomes easier to access compassion for and acceptance of them. It’s amazing what gets liberated when we are willing to embrace our unhealed parts.
She is our eternal aspect
Each of us carries the Divine Child archetype inside of us. She may be hiding behind the wounded child, but she is there. This is our God spark, our higher self, the pure, sweet, innocent, wise, beating heart of our soul… still in touch with Source, ready to bring wisdom and counsel. And each of us has an opportunity to form a relationship with our own Divine Child.
Parts Work is just one of the ways we can access and heal our Divine Child. I’ve worked with many different modalities throughout my life, and the one that has been most transformative for me has been Sacred Sexual Awakening & Healing®. I was taught that this work heals backward AND forward through the generations, and I believe it! I have felt my ancestresses cheering my on from beyond the veil so many times.
What is your relationship with YOUR divine child?
Love & blessings, Amrita
Originally posted on Amrita Grace’s website at https://amritagrace.com/divine-child/retreiving-the-divine-child-that-lives-in-each-of-us/
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