Do you know the truth about Mary Magdalene? Slowly, over the years, she’s been teaching and guiding me. And do I have some stories to tell! Here’s one of my favorites…
Stormy Summer Solstice Shamanism
I walked in late to the Summer Solstice Shamanic Journey circle my friend Lauren was leading, a little agitated. I hate being late. Delayed by my husband’s doctor appointment, I apologized with as much grace as I could muster and settled into my place in the circle. A late afternoon thunderstorm was muttering outside and the power was out at Lauren’s house. Candles were lit and the doors were open to the humid North Carolina summer.
There were several beginners present at this ongoing monthly circle, so Lauren took us back to basics. The first short journey was to explore our inner “garden,” the safe place we go to for healing and interaction with our spirit guides. It was a quick 5-minute journey where I found myself flying above my garden for the first time with Tink. (That would be Tinkerbell, who is one of my spirit guides.) She was in pink today, and I really don’t like pink… but not even I can resist Pink Tink!
Not Really my Power Animal
The second journey called for us to go to the “lower world” to meet our power animal. It was a longer journey, 15 minutes. I made myself comfortable in a chair with an ottoman and a pillow to support my neck. The drumming started and I looked for an entry into the lower world. Once there, I found myself in the company of a bunny rabbit that looked very much like the one I’ve been seeing around my yard quite a bit. I wanted nothing more than to pick it up, hold it, pet it, name it Bun-Bun, and love it. It didn’t feel much like a power animal. I let that vision go and surrendered trying to make something happen, which is when the best stuff actually happens.
In the seamless way of a dream, I found myself in the white marble temple that’s adjacent to my garden. There’s a marble tub sunken into the floor that I’ve had magical experiences with before. I melted into the tub. And there before me was Mary Magdalene in red. She didn’t say a word, but I knew she was there to offer me a healing. I was happy to receive it.
Chakra Gifts from Herself
She began by showing me a very large, fully-opened, deep red rose and then placing it in my heart chakra. Not all the way in under my skin, but in such a way that it sticks out of my chest between my breasts. She said (or somehow communicated) “It is from this place that you will connect with me.” I could feel a Piscean activation happening, a Bodhisattva awakening and calling-forth of my known, but not fully embraced, rising sign directive for this life.
Mary then showed me a long, oval-shaped lapis lazuli cabochon, which she placed into my 3rd eye. A diamond-shaped citrine crystal she placed into the hollow of my throat. A fully open orange chrysanthemum for my solar plexus. She performed surgery to my womb, cutting it open and clearing it before placing a double-terminated white rose inside and closing it up. Then, she attached a spiral of unknown material to my tailbone that went deep into the earth.
Sacred Yoni Healing
I began to wonder what she would do with my yoni… knowing above all that she would not bypass my second chakra and the seat of my life force energy. (Yoni is the Sanskrit word that means “sacred space.” It’s the prettier, less clinical word for “vulva.”) Much to my surprise, she did healing work inside my yoni similar to what I teach in my more advanced workshops. In the blink of an eye, Mother Mary in blue was supporting me with my head against her breast in the classic position of witness in the triadic Sacred Sexual Awakening & Healing® work I teach women. I’ve known for some time that I was doing the Marys’ work on the planet, and They confirmed it in Their offering to me.
I heard the drumbeat change and knew it was time to come back. In gratitude and wonder I shared my sacred shamanic inner journey with the others in the circle.
I’ve been following a trail of red rose petals that Mary Magdalene has been leaving for me. They are subtle but fully available if I’m willing to slow down, to listen, to be receptive. The magic and mystery of the trail of rose petals is like a treasure hunt. A treasure hunt, for example, that leads me deeper into my destiny. A destiny that includes Her teachings. Like what I’ll be offering in Glastonbury during The Sacred Feminine Rose Womb Mysteries of Avalon, June 28-July 5, 2024 (the final retreat in Avalon).
A Mystical, Magical Invitation
Mary Magdalene has invited me into Her most sacred places, and I heed the call. I’ll tell you about those sacred places and the pilgrimage I made to visit them in the next installment in the series… Part 2 is called Following a Trail of Red Rose Petals-Mary Magdalene the Spiritual Teacher
Divine blessings of love, healing, and compassion, Amrita
This article was originally published on Amrita Grace’s website at:
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