
{I'm a person who doesn't relate well to goddess archetypes, ceremony, or "new age" language. I'm so glad I didn't let that stop me from attending this workshop. It's difficult to put the experience into words. I just know I'm more open, vital, connected, and that my energy has shifted in some important way. The love and safety of the container Amrita creates cannot be emphasized enough. It's what kept me going through my fears and continued on throughout the entire week. If you are like me, don't let your brain talk you out of this.

{As a nurse midwife in continuous practice for 28 years, I am fully aware of the depth of women's (and men's) sexual trauma and the ways it impacts their lives, their births, their relationships to their bodies and to one another. This work has tremendous capacity to heal and empower. I recommend this workshop for all women and all people who care for women as healthcare providers.

{As a result of his powerful work, I have begun to awaken into the woman I know has been there all along - empowered, embodied, and so abundant with love and compassion for myself, for other women, and for all of humanity.

{With so much hype and empty promises out in the world of healing, Amrita is the real thing. The work is deep and soft at the same time. The feminine has returned and Amrita has made it safe to reclaim.

{Sacred Sexual Awakening and Healing strengthened my loving relationship with myself and my sexuality. I now feel like I understand in my body and my whole being what it means to be intimate, to connect, and to love in a much deeper way. It slows you down and brings you home to your body like you've known it to be. I'm truly grateful for this healing work and recommend the experience to every woman of every age who wants to own and honor her sexuality.

{This beautiful work frees us from our shame, trauma, fears, and guilt. The safe container created allows us to feel able to share, scream, and cry. We leave the workshop whole instead of keeping our same narrative. It allows us to start over and rewrite our story to break the chains.

{This was the best gift I have ever given to myself, for myself. I had no idea what it would do for me or if it would even change me at all. I just knew I had to do it. And I have finally come home to my truest self.

{I faced my fears head on and I'm forever grateful for this sacred, holy experience. I have never experienced anything like this in my 71 years. It was safe, fun, and most of all loving. My sexuality was repressed because of sexual abuse and I could not receive pleasure. I could give pleasure, but couldn't receive. I found the key to unlock the door and I'm now free to explore and recover what has been stolen. I've been transformed to feel like a new woman who now welcomes pleasure as my birthright.

{I am Latin, born in a very conservative environment where the woman's body needs to be hidden because it is the reason why men sin. I hated my body deep inside. This retreat made a change. My body, every part of it, is sacred. It deserves to be loved, touched, and listened to. I am my body, my body is the sacred Temple where my soul lives this life.

{I was pleasantly surprised with this retreat. I had no expectations... though in life, I usually have. This experience has allowed me to see and release all the blocked me to feel greatness in the universe. I am so happy to have met some wonderful goddesses from all over the world. We are sisters for more than a lifetime!

{Amrita held the space in a very clear way that allowed me to truly surrender to Grace and to turn on lights in rooms within myself that I had forgotten long ago.

{Amrita presents a beautiful experience of connecting with our sisters and with our true self. She provides safety, presence, and compassion which allowed for me to go deeply into my inner realms and release beliefs and emotional blockages thus freeing me to step into my sheer authenticity and share it with myself and this exceptional group of women. I feel blessed to have been a participant in this work and witness the unfolding and blossoming of us all.

{What transformational work! I showed up with a clear vision of what I wanted to heal but the exquisitely held container created safe space for the Goddess to move through me and bring to light whole new areas of exploration and pathways of healing. Thank you, Amrita. What masterful work you do, helping us to open and surrender to the Goddess within.

{I found Amrita to be caring and clear as the logistics unfolded. Before the workshop, I watched several of her youtube videos and was completely taken with her comfortability, humble responses, and desire to give her viewers answers of merit. Amrita is vigilant to maintain honesty which I value immensely.

{This is the most beautiful, deep, healing work I have ever been witness to in my life and I have experienced a LOT of powerful work! What a profound honor to be with Amrita, Caroline, and all of our amazing sisters, and to continue spreading this work into the world. It is SO needed!

{Learning the AH practice strengthened, expanded, and grounded the women’s healing work that I was already facilitating. The structure and guidance of Caroline and Amrita’s expert teachings has empowered me to share this technique, and others, in much bigger and broader ways, and has given me valuable tools to incorporate into both my personal life and my professional practice.

{Women need women. In circle. Holding each other within a safe, nurturing cocoon of integrity. Allowing the pain (known or unrealized), the fear, the joy, the opening, the diving deep, the letting go, the longing, the innate desire to be heard, unjudged, and to be with other women wanting so much to RISE UP and flourish! Amrita, Caroline, and their team allowed this for us. Gently. Powerfully. Respectfully. Perfectly.

{This has been life-changing work. I will forever be grateful, for myself and for all women.

{I have attended numerous workshops over three decades. It's rare to encounter teachers who brings such clarity, commitment, and integrity to their work as Amrita and Caroline do. If you are a woman yearning for a safe and sacred space to explore, heal, and open to your deepest feminine power and sexuality, this is the place to do it! I leave with a greater connection to my vitality and a deeper connection to myself as well as to other women.

{The container of safety that is created and maintained throughout the workshop is profound. I experienced a sense of coming full circle, of completion. I experienced facing a fear/concern that was present in the background/ recesses of my psyche. I experienced a deep sense (including a physical sense) of serenity, connection, and wholeness.

{The weekend was intense and amazing. I left feeling light, renewed, hopeful/optimistic about the future and grateful (for my husband, my kids, my life, my friends). I feel very fortunate to have found Amrita and I’m grateful to myself for giving me this gift. For me, it’s a piece of my whole healing process and ties in beautifully with all the other mind and body work I’ve done. Amrita is an amazing woman who I trust completely (and I would not do this type of work with anyone else unless she trained them herself). She does this work from a place of deep caring.

{My experience with this training has been solidity and safety. We are in support of one another and in collaboration... this is the basis of the work we will be doing and will be offering. The experience is empowering, integrative, and promotes in each of us the confidence and integrity to show up as facilitators while we individually work through our own shadows in full responsibility and acceptance of self. I love the depth of the intensives!

{Every woman needs to know and experience this work. It is sacred and profound. It’s time for women to realize how sacred they are, to be healed, and together help heal the world.

{To witness women of different ages, nationalities, and backgrounds all truly seeing each other, deepening their connections to themselves, and emerging from the journey awakened was mutually awakening to me. I felt myself immersed in a microcosm of a planetary paradigm shift, and it left me feeling optimistic about the possibilities for women to heal themselves, their female lineages, and the planet.

{Amrita and Caroline are gifted and embodied teachers.

{The healing was profound and the unveiling old patterns and resistance about sexual healing was able to come to the surface in a container of love and sisterhood. Amrita is an incredibly open-hearted woman and awesome group leader. To be in the presence of Caroline Muir is to experience the presence of the Goddess.

{In a tropical paradise, we dove straight into the deep heart of the Goddess. In a safe, grounded container, we explore our own edges. We emerged radiant and alive! Sacred Sexual Awakening and Healing is a breathtaking soul journey!

{The women in this workshop somehow felt the call from the past, present, and future feminine divine to reweave our hearts and whole selves with Her heart and love with one another. The web of healing light we wove together here woke up a sleeping part of me that is emerging empowered, enlivened, and present and ready to rock this world.

{Prior to the retreat, I had more of an intellectual understanding and grasp on parts of my process. This retreat helped me to deepen my embodiment of those. It held a safe and loving space to drop more deeply into my authentic self and to release the blockages keeping me from living in a state of freedom.

{My whole life I have felt confused and ashamed by my lack of sexual energy. It took a lot to come to the mystery school and look at this part of my life. What I discovered was the relief and delight of safely and beautifully reconnecting with my body, my life force, and realizing that is what pleasure is all about. Feeling the aliveness in me, that dances and fizzes and flows and can be channeled in all kinds of ways - into sex, into creativity, into movement, into LIFE. A million times thanks. I can’t wait to take the playful, alive curiosity into my relationships and my life.

{I was so afraid, and within a day and a half I was not. I was not sure I could go through with it because I was going to look my biggest fear ‘right in the eyes.’ Thank God or whoever runs the universe and the love I stayed. I had the most incredible, amazing experience of sharing individual love; of feeling and living what is a truly deep, profound, sincere sisterhood; discovering that I am in love with life and what it means to be a woman. All of that in a deep, sweet, safe, respectful relationship with others.

{This workshop was the most potent, profound, and beautiful workshop I’ve ever experienced. For women, there is no greater gift you can give yourself than to experience this work with Amrita and Caroline.

{This workshop is magic. These women are divine femininity embodied and so beautifully facilitated the creation of such a sacred space my heart felt safe enough to open her voice and sing. I feel pure gratitude to my new sisters and the love that is overflowing within me after this week.

{This work is of such value for all women, regardless of age (or anything else for that matter). Caroline and Amrita create a beautifully safe space and a journey that feels perfectly sequenced. I am overwhelmed by the healing that took place here. I feel nourished, affirmed, and powerful, connected to a loving, supportive, strong sisterhood.

{I could not have anticipated the amazing, transformative experience I would have with Caroline and Amrita. The level of safety and trust they created with us in our sisterhood group was breathtaking. The impact this work has already had on my partnership is more significant than I would have imagined. I"m so excited to continue on this journey in future workshops, to continue to do my own personal healing work, and to create a mind-blowing marriage with my beloved moving forward. This workshop has been a tremendous gift and I am forever changed as a result of it.

{Amrita and Caroline created a safe, respectful, honoring, and sacred space to explore my own sexual/spiritual wounds within a circle of loving women. The power of this experience will reverberate outward from this time and place into the infinite - really, it was that powerful!

{Being with and working with the power of AH has gifted me with the courage and strength to continue in my internal work of personal sexual trauma healing and my external work of supporting others on a similar journey.

{Women everywhere should be receiving this work. It is for ALL of us. It is powerful, healing, and uniting. May we all be healed and united in love!

{Every woman is a healer of herself / other women. This is the beautiful and timeless truth Amrita and Caroline allowed me to recognize. I thank them for this priceless gift.

{After this healing workshop I feel so strong and empowered. Each woman was and is supported where they are. In one sense, we all had our own stories and unique paths, but I very much felt that we were all on a journey together. We can take this healing energy into the world.

{If you are a courageous woman who can no longer submit to the cage of wounding and past storylines running your life and keeping you small and inhibited, there is no other work I have experienced with the capacity to untangle, unwind, and release you into the freedom of yourself. I cannot put into words the tremendousness of this experience, only to say that I am forever changed for the better.

{This work/playshop delves into that which has seemed hidden from ourselves, our true essential sensual, sexual nature that illuminates our being. That which allows us to be the radiating stars that we truly are, so life can evolve into its most magnificent.

{This workshop is a sacred container for us, as women, to hold and support each other in our growth. Witnessing ALL the hurt, rage, trauma, beauty, and joy we each hold within us. It helped me feel solidarity with my sisters and that we are healing the whole earth by holding space for each other to heal ourselves. Women need women friends, connection and support and this offers that in a beautiful, transformational, consciousness-expanding way. The most powerful, sacred part of ourselves needs permission to be loved and powerful. That can be felt here.

{These few days will change your life. The safety, community, deep healing, and profound potency of this approach goes beyond words, beyond but including our own stories and wounding, beyond where other healing modalities that don’t include our yonis can go. Challenge yourself, treat yourself, delight yourself, and step more fully into the embodied wholeness that is your birthright by taking this course.

{After years of shame, repression, self-consciousness, and lack of sexual consciousness, this retreat gave me the awareness, confidence, and aliveness that my mind, heart, soul, and yoni were asking for. I was able to release traumas that I didn’t even realize were being held captive inside my yoni. Caroline and Amrita are the goddesses that empower women to bring alive the goddess in themselves. Thank you both for sending me further on my healing journey!

{My experience of being trained with the Sacred Feminine Mystery School has had a profound impact on my life in totality. The purity, authenticity, and potency of this work is accelerated my ability to transform and has a raised my commitment as a sexual educator to a new level of strength and devotion I've been longing for throughout my years of various other teacher trainings. For the first time ever, I solidly trust a body of work to be fully safe, inclusive, and rooted in spiritual integrity. Amrita Grace is a gifted teacher with full respect for all individuals and where they are. I am grateful for the journey I've been on with her.

{I have never felt so held while working with the energy inside of me. And, I have never felt so seen and respected as myself including my energy self, my primal self, my feminine self, as well as my child self as I did in the Sacred Sexual Awakening and Healing workshop.

{This experience has far exceeded my expectations. I came seeking tools and learning to enhance my current offerings. I have come away with a deeper sense of Self, a sisterhood of like-minded women, and a knowing and desire that this particular practice to heal and awaken sexuality is what will begin to shift the current paradigm we are living in. Amrita's facilitation has been inspiring. She models so perfectly the divine love and grace that is needed to carry this work forward into the world. It was an honor to have her hold space for me to do my own inner work at the same time as she was teaching the practices. I would highly recommend this Certification to anyone who is ready to take their lives and their work to the next level.

{This body of work is pure and integral. It's my dream to bring this knowledge and practice to teens so they may fully embrace their sexuality in healthy and appropriate ways, have accurate understanding on the topic so they can make informed choices, release trauma abuse, and become empowered as the sexual beings we all are as they embark into young adulthood and parenthood. I was so pleased to discover that Amrita was taking her workshops to the next level and offering a Certified Spiritual Sexual Educator Training. Having just completed the first intensive, I have no doubt this training will empower me to meet my goals.

{I came into this intensive wanting to discover more truths about who I am as a woman. I am honestly astounded with how that unfolded for me during the week! I have attended many other intensives where I have left feeling raw, forced to process, and ungrounded. This was not the case in this program. I sensed a safe container established and I unfolded like a rosebud into a flower, spoke my truth confidently, and fet supported by my sisters. Amrita is equipping me with all the necessary support emotionally and with the marketing necessary to be a successful teacher.

{Being with and working with the power of AH has gifted me with the courage and strength to continue in my internal work of personal sexual trauma healing and my external work of supporting others on a similar journey.

{This was my second workshop doing the AH Practice. I was able to express and begin to untangle the mixed messages I received as a child from my lineage, school, society, and media about power/sex/love/sexuality and sensuality. My sense is that unraveling this material will assist in creating more loving relationships in all areas of my life.

{This was a potent retreat that uses simple techniques that help women access their trauma that is held in their body and release it. I found this work much more effective than traditional therapy. The retreat provides a safe container for healing and emotional release.

{It’s the final day of the workshop. My mind is blown, my body is awakening. I’ve found a group of sisters I can always turn to. Amrita provided such a feeling of safety and love, and made it easy to explore the hard stuff of my past. I have hope again.

{This is my third experience of AH work and the healing continues in its profound and subtle ways. Being held and witnessed by other women was so safe for me. I felt many emotions and in the end peace, well-being and love lingered. I am grateful for this dynamic work.

{I came to this workshop with a lifetime of feeling as if I witnessed my own femininity through a thick and clouded window. I could not access my own sense of wholeness, vitality, and sexuality, instead, feeling like an outsider in the sisterhood of women. How, after decades of working on myself, had I missed this critical piece which Amrita’s work addresses? I have been put back into myself, honor the courage in my and the constellation of women who gathered to make this very safe, sacred experience healing. I’m in for the long vision for myself and for our world.

{Having always had issues with receiving I knew my 2nd chakra was blocked. Through this work, I was able to feel truly safe and allow all my emotions, hurt, anger, and feeling pretty pissed off out. At the end of the session and workshop, I could finally feel my 2nd chakra open like a flower blossoming.

{Sacred Sexual Awakening & Healing was exactly what I needed to take the next step to exploring deeper aspects of my Sacred Sexual Feminine. Yes, I was nervous stepping into this, I felt vulnerable but deeply trusted Amrita, as she was recommended by a dear sister who worked with her. It took a few more years for me to be “ready,” timing is everything. The workshop is profound, deeply healing and Amrita creates a safe, sacred container in which to feel supported to dive in, let go, and release. I am leaving refreshed and reawakened to my Sacred Feminine. Thank you, Amrita

{This experience was an “AH” HA moment from beginning to end. A most safe container to be able to surrender a lifetime of stuffed, trapped traumas and emotions. Life affirming and life changing! I highly recommend this work for women, girls, for everyone. Amrita Grace is one of the most centered, focused, genuine, heartfelt leaders I’ve had the pleasure to know and work with. This is the most important work one can do.

{Through the AH Practice, I have claimed my bodily sovereignty. I accessed repressed emotions and sensations and gave them a voice, more fiercly than I knew was in me. I have longed for such a safe container to express the fullness of my experiences all my life and now feel lighter and sense the movement of energy and life force flowing effortlessly. It is such a powerful practice of presence that I know in my bones I was born to experience and to transmit to other women. Women gently healing women is where it’s at!

{This work is amazing. Gentle, precise; releasing the deeply held hurts and revealing the desire to be here fully in my body. The community, the sacred space, and the deep connection to myself and others is so beautiful… it is beyond words. I’m feeling so much appreciation and love for Amrita and her teachers for bringing this to the world.

{This was an empowering experience that allowed me to access my femininity and connect with my yoni in a way I could not before. A weekend of sisterhood and authentic support is priceless.

{I have done a lot of psychotherapy and work on childhood trauma. The sensitive areas of our lives which hold such trauma, however, are often left unloved and un-nurtured. Being in a group of women holding space for loving connection with these parts of ourselves is a deeply healing experience.

{Having the opportunity to work with Amrita and the Sacred Healing workshop she offers was deeply beneficial for me to remember parts of myself that had been left or remained quiet and untapped into for so long. The healing that also came from spending a weekend with other spiritually present and loving women simply cannot be given a high enough value. I recommend this work to any woman who is truly ready to come home to herself.

{It truly was a sacred time and space with incredible women, with mystical and magical moments of learning, crying, and healing. It’s so important for me to have a tribe living this sacred work. To take it to the level of experience. Speaking the unspoken. I’m blessed and grateful for the time together.

{Sexual awakening & healing is deep work and requires a safe space and a fully accepting and open facilitator. Amrita created an atmosphere of total acceptance and room for personal experiences and sharing. This retreat is for any woman who is searching for their next step in discovering how to be all they were created to be.

{This work was so powerful for me. I have worked and played in many workshops for healing and growth. This experience is unlike any other. I felt such a feeling of safety, non-judgment, and compassion. The guidance that Amrita gave us during this healing was such a blessing for those who might feel fear, anxiety, and discomfort. I laughed, cried, and felt such sisterhood with all the women who attended.

{Profoundness for me was connecting at a deep level through safe boundaries to supported women’s healing of my chakras and innate power centers for clearing, releasing, healing and receiving instruction from within my own self.

{I was unsure what called me to the Sacred Feminine workshop until today. Feeling connected, empowered, and no longer ashamed, I can tell you that it was not the sexual abuse, rape, or years of unfulfilling sex that brought me here. It was Spirit, almost a predestined event at the perfect timing so I would be no longer apologetic about who I am and my potential. The potential to help myself and then to be better able to help and be there for others. I’m a female engineer and in a world of dominating women I will lead with a tease and have just as many followers. Be unapologetically YOU.

{At 40 years old, I embarked on a mission to heal over 12 years of child sexual abuse and endured trauma. I dug so deep and tried so hard for years to understand what I was missing in my healing journey. This workshop helped me to understand that my biggest fear was the power and beauty that rested within me. I feared living too big and caused myself to shrink so others felt secure. The exercises helped me unlock that which held me back and allowed me to call myself home to me, which reminded me why I’m here, what my purpose is, and how to live fearlessly. Home is where my heart is, and I will always remember there’s no place like home. Blessed be.

{Listening to that “still, small voice” deep within led me to this workshop. The timing was right; the pacing was right for me too: gentle, respectful, safe. I was held in a deeply loving and safe space, allowing my body and spirit to process, heal, move energy that needed to be moved at this time. I met like-minded women of all ages. The practices we learned together were so down-to-earth, simple, yet so powerful. Thank you!

{I have spent most of my life learning and growing with many teachers along the way. Amrita Grace is a true goddess. She is grounded, centered, kind, loving, and packed full with knowledge and wisdom. Amrita approaches her teaching with integrity, strong boundaries, clear communication, and love. The work is very healing, and it is just the medicine that the world needs. If you feel called to heal your own self as well as generations before and after, I would highly recommend investing in yourself and signing up for one of Amrita’s workshops. You will be so grateful you did. Together, as women, we can rise and save the world.

{I was looking online for a workshop on understanding my sexuality, and I found Amrita. I decided to be open about attending even though I had a lot of hesitancy about participating. What I found by the end was that I had a deeper understanding of how frozen I felt in many aspects of my life, and not only the sexual part of me. The process Amrita took us through allowed me to listen to myself and voice my boundaries. I felt heard and respected. Amrita emphasized honoring ourselves and building trust with the women in the circle. I felt safe, even when I was unsure and hesitant. There was a strong focus on integrity and integrating a connection with our whole body. I’m considering doing a longer workshop.