If You’re a Spiritually Awake Woman Who’s Ready to Embrace a Healthy, Passionate, And Creative Next Phase
of Your Life…

Join us for The Art of Receiving®

Sacred Feminine Healing Retreat
for women and non-binary femmes

March 24-28, 2025

Northern California

Reclaim Your Feminine Power for Health, Wealth, and Love

    • Ready to make YOU the priority in your life… your physical health, your mental well-being, and your personal happiness and desires?
    • Longing for plenty of energy and vitality so you can meet your life with enthusiasm?
    • How would it feel to be able to deal with feelings of stress, anxiety, or even depression in a natural way that aligns with your desires for a healthier life?
    • Dreaming of connecting with your tribe of amazing like-hearted women who share your struggles and triumphs and want to support you unconditionally?
    • Imagine how good it would feel to have simple, powerful tools to work through those old past traumas that keep popping up and making life and relationships difficult.
    • Wouldn’t it be amazing to find your happiness even in the middle of life’s chaos and to be fully present to deal with whatever life sends your way?
    • Isn’t it time to gift yourself the perfect retreat to unwind and make sense of everything in your life? You deserve it and it’s time to stop letting life pass you by!
Pensive older woman

Your feminine life force energy is your most potent untapped resource.

If you have not gained access to this little-known fountain of youth and vitality, there may be hidden, unresolved energy stuck in your body and energy field.

As women, we carry eons of unprocessed emotions in our bodies, especially in our pelvic region… cultural, religious, and sexual shame and wounding, passed down through the generations.

Most women have no idea about the impact this has on their

  • physical health
  • capacity to manage stress
  • nervous system regulation
  • emotional well-being
  • ability to receive (help, care, money, love, etc)

Relationships with others, especially intimate relationships, often become painful mirrors of this hidden, unresolved pain.

What if there’s a solution you’ve never considered?

There’s a very specific flow of wholesome, natural life force energy that is available to all of us, but that we are not taught how to access and use. This flow of energy can have a huge impact on our relationships and our health and vitality, as well as how much abundance we allow into our lives.

Like most people, you probably stopped that flow very early in life, and that may be keeping you stuck in all or some of these vitally important areas.

The hidden truth is that your life force energy feels a lot like sexual energy, and when it’s shut down, you’re effectively cut off from your most important fuel source for living a satisfying and joyful life.

Sexual energy is so much more than what we were taught, but because we don’t know that, most of us either shut it down or let it run our lives without even realizing it.

You probably learned along the way that your sexual energy should be kept in a tiny box and only taken out for sex, but it’s simply not true.

Sexual energy is actually the natural life energy that extends into every part of your being and enlivens every aspect of your life.

The good news is, you can get access to a free flow of your life force energy no matter what your past experience has been.

Once you understand the steps, it’s easy to create positive changes in your relationships, get full access to your creative expression and your vitality, improve your health and well-being, and increase your capacity for abundance.

Amrita Grace spinning with veil

Deepen intimacy and connection in all your relationships


Return home feeling more joyful and less stressed


Gain new tools to use when feeling anxious or upset


Let go of painful patterns from the past


Deal with life from a more calm, centered place


Heal ancient sister-wounds in a unique, powerful way

What is your shut-down life force energy costing you?

  • Do you feel closed off sexually and emotionally?
  • Are you living in a “roommate” relationship with your romantic partner?
  • Do you have a health issue that defies diagnosis?
  • Has your creative energy and passion for life evaporated?
  • Do you often feel tired and anxious?
  • Do you long for more depth of intimacy and connection?

The good news is, there’s a powerful, proven solution… 

When you get access to a free flow of your life-force energy, 

You tap into an endless well of creativity, vitality, and passion for life…

Trapped emotions in your body can be safely released, reducing stress and anxiety...

Relationships become a source of love, connection, support, and joy…

And you clear the blocks to receiving true abundance.

Introducing… The Art of Receiving

A 4-day retreat for women that will ignite your ability to access your own personal fountain of youth and vitality… your powerful feminine life force energy.

Your expert facilitator will guide you step by step through long-hidden feminine empowerment secrets in a safer, sacred, and trauma-informed temple sanctuary.

Small, intimate group with lots of personal attention for each attendee.

An embodied, nurturing week of…


Lodging at the peaceful and sacred San Damiano Retreat Center


Delicious homemade cuisine to nourish your being


Ceremonial Initiations to enrich your spirit


Delicious Dance to embody your sensuality


Embodied Practices to awaken your energy


Mystical Transmissions to activate your awareness


Beautiful nature to engage your senses


Fully guided Somatic Awakening & Healing Touch


to evolve your feminine consciousness


to empower sisterhood healing


to activate your feminine power & presence


to liberate & release blocks to your freedom


to transcend whatever is holding you back!

The Goddess Speaks…

I am whole for the first time in my life. I feel love and acceptance for every part of myself, body, mind, and spirit.

Cynthia, PA

This work has so radically changed my life, my presence, and my relationship to my body. It was such an honor to share with and initiate my mother into the sacred feminine mysteries and I am so grateful for these teachings. 

Viviana Scarlet, Brooklyn NY


This was a potent retreat that uses simple techniques that help women access their trauma that is held in their body and release it. I found this work much more effective than traditional therapy. The retreat provides a safe container for healing and emotional release

Sarvin T

Through the Awakening & Healing Practice, I have claimed my bodily sovereignty. I accessed repressed emotions and sensations and gave them a voice, more fiercly than I knew was in me. I have longed for such a safe container to express the fullness of my experiences all my life and now feel lighter and sense the movement of energy and life force flowing effortlessly. It is such a powerful practice of presence that I know in my bones I was born to experience and to transmit to other women. Women gently healing women is where it’s at!

Sandra G, Boston MA

Red Spring Waterfall Chalice

The Feminine Mysteries

Women’s empowerment mysteries have been hidden away for eons, and we’ve all paid a price for the repression of our birthright: full access to our divine life force energy.

Our uniquely feminine, presence-based, somatic Awakening & Healing experience was created by women, for women

This is the leading edge of personal growth and development, rarely addressed with integrity in spiritual circles, retreats, or workshops. You stay fully clothed the whole time. No prior experience required… just a willingness to learn how to turn up the volume on your authentic presence, enjoyment, healing, and fulfillment! 

When women gather in sacred circle, profound healing emerges. When women learn how to hold space for each other’s healing and awakening, big magic happens. This is the leading edge of personal growth and development, the missing piece in most wellness and mindfulness retreats.

What you’ll walk away with…


More energy, vitality, and creativity


Access to your personal "fountain of youth"


Elevated emotional well-being


Newfound acceptance of your body


Tools and inspiration to create a joyful future


Awakened passion for life and relationships


Clear boundaries and the ability to speak them


A deeper connection to your inner wisdom


A supportive community of women


Sister-friendships that last a lifetime


A new awareness of your sacred feminine power

This retreat is NOT for you if…


You don't want to invest in yourself


You're not interested in sacred feminine mysteries


Your religious beliefs do not allow for Goddess spirituality


You're fine with your life the way it is and don't want change


You prefer not to dive deeply into your own being

Our Venue: San Damiano

Just 30 miles from the Oakland airport, San Damiano is located on 55 acres in the Las Trampas Regional Wilderness Park… a forest on a hilltop easily accessible from the Bay Area.


With gardens, trails, orchards, ancient oaks, a labyrinth, and a stream running through the courtyard, San Damiano has been cultivated as a peaceful place for healing for over 60 years.

Earth Spirit Retreat Centre
Earth Spirit Retreat Centre
Earth Spirit Retreat Centre
Earth Spirit Retreat Centre
Earth Spirit Retreat Centre
Earth Spirit Retreat Centre

More loving praise…

From personal experience, I would highly recommend this retreat to any and all women. For years, I would turn to others for my healing, whereas Amrita taught me how to turn to myself. We, in fact, have the tools to heal, we just don’t realize how and where to locate them, because our society and culture never taught us this, especially as women. Amrita teaches us how to heal our trauma from within-in a safe, consensual, and significant way. This experience has left a compassionate and joyful imprint on my body, my mind, and most importantly, my yoni.



This retreat touched me in so many ways; in particular, integrating the masculine within myself in a profound and loving manner. I also received healing I would not have gotten through “conventional” methods. My heart, yoni, mind, and womb space are in full resonance, and I feel alive, joyful, and inspired to love, receive, and take the next steps necessary in my life. My website: DebiKennison.net

Debi K. Fort Collins, CO

This work is amazing. Gentle, precise; releasing the deeply held hurts and revealing the desire to be here fully in my body. The community, the sacred space, and the deep connection to myself and others is so beautiful… it is beyond words. I’m feeling so much appreciation and love for Amrita and her teachers for bringing this to the world.

Karent Feeley Olympia, WA

I’m a person who doesn’t relate well to goddess archetypes, ceremony, or “new age” language. I’m so glad I didn’t let that stop me from attending this workshop. It’s difficult to put the experience into words. I just know I’m more open, vital, connected, and that my energy has shifted in some important way. The love and safety of the container Amrita creates cannot be emphasized enough. It’s what kept me going through my fears and continued on throughout the entire week. If you are like me, don’t let your brain talk you out of this.

Sabrina Greensea, Maryland


What makes this retreat different from others?

Our fully guided Awakening and Healing process is a feminine-centric, somatic, whole-being experience that is unlike any other!

So much of what is being taught in the realm of sexual healing and sacred sexuality has originated from masculine traditions and is geared toward men. As women, we have a completely different experience of how energy dances in our bodies.

The Art of Receiving® is specifically designed to lovingly transmit long-hidden women’s mysteries and to awaken and heal the feminine being through ancient practices updated for modern times. It was created by women, for women.

We value, embody, uphold, and teach with impeccable standards and ethics during our retreat. We create a trauma-informed, safer space for you so you can relax and trust the process.

We’ve spent 20 years refining our signature Awakening and Healing® practices into a graceful, accessible, divinely feminine body of work. You won’t find this uniquely feminine experience anywhere else!

What's included in the tuition?

The tuition includes

  • 4 night’s single lodging with private bath at San Damiano Retreat Center
  • Homemade buffet-style meals – 3 meals per day from dinner March 24 through lunch March 28
  • The Art of Receiving program
  • Bonus content ($1297 value) gifted in full upon registration
What's not included in the tuition?

The tuition does not include

  • Airfare or any other transportation costs to and from San Damiano
  • Optional lodging stays before/after March 24/28
  • Medical, travel, and trip cancellation insurance (strongly recommended)
  • Food outside of the retreat center meal plan
What do you mean by "women and non-binary femmes"?

This retreat is open to cis-gendered and trans women (whether you have a womb or not) as well as non-binary femmes who are comfortable in a space that centers the experiences of women and references female body parts. We will ask for and honor your preferred pronouns. If you are not sure, please reach out to Amrita for a conversation.

Is there an early-bird discount?

Yes! The Super Early Bird tuition is $1997 through November 30, 2024.

The Early Bird Tuition is $2297 through January 31, 2025.

If there are still spots open on February 1, regular tuiton is $2597.


Is there a payment plan available?

We offer an interest-free payment plan for those who register early enough. We’ll send you an invoice 5-7 ahead of the due date.

• A non-refundable deposit of $500 is due at registration
• A payment of $800 is due January 31, 2024. 

• Balance is due by February 28, 2025.

Are there scholarships available?

Investing in yourself is a powerful path to real healing and change. It’s a strong motivator to dive fully into the process and do all the work. We have found, over and over, that when people pay reduced prices for a high-level retreat such as this, they don’t value it as highly. If you truly want to experience potent transformation in your life, make the commitment and trust in your ability to manifest the money. It’s about prioritizing what matters most to you. Once you make the commitment, the way will be shown.

That being said, if you are BIPOC or part of a marginalized community or live in a developing country and need support to attend, we may be able to assist with a small partial scholarship. Apply Here.

Why did you choose San Damiano?

San Damiano is beautiful, peaceful, and supportive to our sacred work. We had an incrediblly magical retreat there in March of 2024.

The mission of San Damiano Retreat is to provide a hospitable place of spiritual renewal for people of all faiths in the tradition of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi.

If the walls of San Damiano could speak, they would tell stories of love and sacred experiences.

Meet Your Facilitator

Amrita Grace

Amrita Grace is a deeply intuitive, compassionate, trauma-informed, and innovative visionary in the Feminine Empowerment Re-Evolution who’s been fiercely committed to guiding spirit-led women into their authentic, embodied personal power since 2000 so they can live the fulfilled and inspired lives they dream of. 

Co-founder and Director of The Sacred Feminine Mystery School®, Amrita is the award-winning, bestselling author of 3 booksa Certified Spiritual Sexual Educator, Ordained High Priestess, Certified Divine Feminine Educator, Art of Feminine Presence® Teacher, Certified Cacao Ceremony Facilitator, and Shamanic Breathwork® Facilitator.

Amrita brings her background in creating safer spaces, sacred ceremony, sensual and ecstatic dance, and conscious communication to the mix along with her impeccable attention to detail and her unbridled enthusiasm for living a vibrant, authentic, magical life.

Amrita Grace, High Priestess

Supportive Bonuses worth $1297

The Sacred Feminine Path to Sexual Wholeness-The Alchemy of Abundance (includes additional bonuses)

Value $1147

This comprehensive introductory multi-media self-study course will prepare you beautifully for The Sacred Feminine Rose Womb Mysteries of Avalon. Full acccess to the digital content is delivered upon registration. Created by Amrita Grace

Module 1: Unveiling the Magic of the Sacred Feminine
Module 2: Deepening into Your Body and the Earth
Module 3: Transmuting Pain into Power
Module 4: Revealing the Expansiveness of Your Heart
Module 5: Exploring New Worlds through Inner Vision
Module 6: Reclaiming Your Divine Birthright

Awaken Your Inner Priestess Mini Audio Course – Value $150

Created and Narrated by Amrita Grace

Module 1: Sacred Foundation
Module 2: Feminine Archetypes
Module 3: The 4 Basic Practices
Module 4: Heart of the Feminine
Module 5: Ceremony and Altars
Module 5: PDF: Creating Sacred Ceremony
Module 6: Moon Cycles
Module 7: Earth Cycles & Wheel of the Year
Module 7: PDF: Wheel of the Year
Module 8: Next Steps: Sexual Wholeness

Tuition & Dates


March 24-28, 2025


San Damiano Retreat Center near Danville, CA

Lodging & Meals:

Tuition includes a private room and bath and delicious, buffet-style cuisine.


All-inclusive tuition starts at $1997 and includes supportive bonus content worth $1297. Click the button below for full details.

Registration Deadline:

Registration is limited and closes March 9, 2025, or when sold out. A committed waitlist will be available once the retreat is sold out.

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